Drysdale & Associates, Inc. is the North American distributor for Servers Alive
What is Servers Alive?
It is a 24/7 network monitoring tool and reporting solution running on Windows 2008R2/2012/2016/7/8/10. Operates automatically and across operating systems. Five salient features are:
- Extensive Network Monitoring
- Flexible Alerting Engine
- Smart Output
- Graphical Results
- Agent Less Monitoring Agents for Secure Environments
- Monitors all of your servers and notifies you when a problem arises
- Notifies you when certain existing conditions that could potentially lead to a problem
- Understands all of the “normal” things that should be monitored, and lets you preset what else is needed to be monitored, how it should be reported and other actions that need to be taken
- Runs automatically, no need to load it everyday
- User-defined notification system that can find anyone, anytime, using any of the current communication technologies – it can notify more than 1 person when a monitored event occurs, and escalate notifications if there are no response to initial alerts
Please email: Sales@DrysdaleAssoc.com for ordering assistance. We accept Company Purchase Orders (please issue your PO to: Drysdale & Associates, Inc. – terms are net 30 days upon credit approval) We also accept VISA, Mastercard and American Express.